(revised May 2011; approved May 2012)
I The Association
The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education is a constituent association of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). It is an association of people interested in those branches of inquiry in the social sciences and humanities that deal with the study of education (eg. the history of education, the philosophy of education, the sociology of education, the anthropology of education). The general purpose of the Association is to provide a forum for discussing the contribution of these areas and disciplines to educational theory, research, and practice. Included in these activities is the organization of an annual conference in Association with the CSSE, represents the interests of the Foundations of Education on the advisory board of the Canadian Journal of Education, and facilitating and financially supporting constituent associations and regional conferences. At the present time, CAFE is composed of three special interest groups (SIGs): the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, the Canadian History of Education Association, and SociNet. Status as a SIG is decided by the Annual General Meeting. SIGs are entitled to receive conference grants and other forms of assistance from CAFE.
II Membership
All people who are interested in the Foundations areas and/or disciplines shall be eligible for membership. All members of the constituency associations shall be members of the Canadian Association for Foundations of Education, and all members of the Association shall be members of CSSE.
III Membership Dues
Annual membership dues shall be set in the annual general meeting by a majority vote of the members who are present.
IV Executive Officers of the Board of Directors and Duties
The following officers constitute the Executive of the Canadian Association of Foundations of Education:
The President is elected for a two year term at the Annual General Meeting. The President is responsible for the overall operation of the Association and reports to the Annual General Meeting. The President is empowered to speak for the Association between annual meetings and to consult with the Executive Committee (President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer) and the members of the Board as necessary while conducting the Association's business between annual meetings. The President also chairs the Service Award Committee.
The First Vice-President is elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Vice-President is responsible for assisting the President in activities that have been assigned and in acting as the Chairperson of the Publications Awards Committees.
The Secretary-Treasurer is elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for preparing the minutes of the annual general meeting, keeping the financial records and other duties which may be assigned by the President.
The President, Vice-President, and the Secretary-Treasurer constitute the Executive Committee of the Association and are responsible for its affairs between annual meetings. Any two of these Officers may act as signing authorities for the Association.
V Members of the Board and Duties
The Past President serves on the executive for the two years following his/her term of office.
The Second Vice-President acts as the Chairperson of the Program Committee, who is elected at the annual general meeting and is responsible for organizing the annual conference in association with CSSE. The Second Vice-President will assist the President to organize the Annual General Meeting. The Chairperson of the Program Committee will present a report at the Annual General Meeting. The Second Vice-President will serve for one year and will normally, but not necessarily, come from the campus at which the next Congress will be held.
The CJE Representative is elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. This person represents CAFE on the editorial board of the Canadian Journal of Education (CJE). The CJE Representative also confers with the President and other members of CAFE's Executive Committee on CJE editorial board policy changes that affect the interests of members of the Association.
Members at large of the Board and Duties. Two members at large shall be elected to the Board of the Association and shall perform such duties as assigned by the President and the Executive.
The Graduate Student Representative who is a masters or doctoral student elected for a two year term and who, in consultation with the Executive, will ensure that the interests of graduate students are reflected in the priorities of the Association and at the Congress.
VI Annual General Meeting
An annual general meeting of the Association shall be held during the annual Canadian Society for the Study of Education conference. The time and place of the annual general meeting shall be decided by the President in consultation with the 2nd Vice-President (i.e., the Chairperson of the Program Committee) and in consultation with the Executive Committee and the Board.
VII Amendment of the Constitution
The Constitution may be amended at an Annual General Meeting by a majority vote of the members present. Any member of the Association may initiate amendments to the constitution, provided that notice has been provided by e-mail to the membership and posted on the CAFE website at least 60 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.