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CAFE Distinguished Service Award

The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE) invites nominations from the CAFE community to honour CAFE members whose dedication and commitment has made a significant contribution to the mission and members of CAFE.


Nomination Criteria

The following examples illustrate some of the service practices that would be considered award-worthy service to CAFE:

  1. Advocacy for CAFE and its mission in the foundations of education (such as reports, debates, news coverage)

  2. Extra-ordinary initiatives such as conferences and/or publications relevant to the CAFE mission and membership

  3. Service directly to the CAFE membership through various roles in the organization.


Nomination Requirements

Nominations are welcome for this award from any current member in good standing of the CAFE community for any CAFE member in good standing.  Self-nominations will not be considered. Nominees should have contributed to CAFE and CAFE’s interests over an extended period time, and within the past 10 years.


A nomination package should be sent via email and include: a two page letter of recommendation (including name and full contact information of the nominee and nominator); and a copy of the nominee’s up-to-date curriculum vitae. The letter should provide clear and persuasive reasons why the nominee is worthy of the award and provide specific examples.


The Chair of the Awards Committee will confirm receipt of the nomination package. If you do not receive confirmation, we urge you to get in touch with the Chair immediately. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.


Selection Committee

All nominations will be kept strictly confidential. The Awards Committee reserves the right not to issue the award in the absence of a nomination that meets the award criteria.



To nominate candidates for this award, please forward the nomination package (in Word or PDF format) no later than February 28, 2023 to:


Dr. Sandra Kouritzin

Chair, CAFE Awards Committee


Include “CAFE Distinguished Service Award” in the subject line.

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