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Distinguished Award Recipients - 2020

Distinguished Award Recipients - 2022


The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE) Publication Award for Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Dr. Lauren Bialystok (2020). Political and Metaphysical: Reflections on Identity, Education, and Justice, Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 27(2), 153-169.  

John Rawls (1985) famously argued that social justice ought not to concern itself with the metaphysical disputes that separate us as groups and individuals. Identity is supposed to be irrelevant to the deliberations of free and equal citizens. Since the recent turn toward right-wing populism, renewed attention has been devoted to the place of identity in contemporary Western societies. In this paper, building on key philosophical accounts of identity, I argue against both political liberalism’s confidence in identity-blind justice and some contemporary conceits of social justice education, according to which identity is the beginning and end of normative judgments. In the first section I show how identity appeals to a notional horizon of authenticity against which specific claims are adjudicated, and which takes on normative significance in its own right. I then consider two examples of recent controversies in Canada over the meaning of Indigenous identity and gender identity, respectively, which reveal latent tensions in the pursuit of social justice. In the final section I sketch the implications of these tensions for school-based education and the role of education in advancing identity talk more generally. 


The E. Lisa Panayotidis Dissertation Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE)Award in the Foundations of Education

Dr. Jackson Pind

The E. Lisa Panayotidis Dissertation Award is made as a legacy of E. Lisa Panayotidis who did so much to promote the Foundations of Education in Canada, in particular, the study of educational history. This award honours a doctoral graduate whose dissertation improves educational processes in the study of Educational Foundations, or adds to the field’s body of knowledge. This year was particularly challenging for the Awards Committee in a good way as there were a number of outstanding submissions for this award, each of which were highly original and make exceptional contribution to the foundations. We commend all the submissions this year!


The recipient of the E. Lisa Panayotidis Dissertation Award for 2022 is Dr. Jackson Pind for his dissertation Indian Day Schools in Michi Saagiig Anishinaabeg Territory, 1899-1978.


This dissertation was nominated by his supervisor Dr. Theodore Christou.


The Committee congratulates Dr. Pind on his exceptional accomplishment and are pleased to have a part in supporting wider recognition of this work! .

Distinguished Award Recipients - 2019

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