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CAFE Outstanding Online Learning Tool

Related to the Foundations of Education 


The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE) invites submissions to honour the work of CAFE members in developing an outstanding on-line learning tool relevant to the foundations of education that has been developed from research and or teaching. Generally speaking, on-line learning tools are any program, app or technology that facilitates student learning. The learning tool follows a set of principles and allows a user to work through ideas, concepts, or processes while demonstrating their thinking, planning, and/or decision-making.


The purpose of this award is to recognize on-line learning tools that have made a contribution to knowledge in the disciplines that fall under the rubric of foundations education and/or support knowledge in foundations education in Canada. These disciplines generally include history, philosophy, and sociology of education, but also include other disciplines that contribute to educational theory. This award will be presented at the CAFE Annual Meeting during the CSSE Conference in 2021.


The online learning tool must be produced and online between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2020.

Review Criteria:

The submission criteria for the basis for review are as follows: significance to the field; clarity of purpose; originality; creativity; quality of the underlying research/theory; and clarity of organization.



Authors should be members in good standing of CSSE and CAFE at the time of submission.


Submission Requirements: 

Interested authors should submit a cover letter with an accessible URL, and clear explanation of the alignment of the on-line learning tool with the criteria of the award, to the Chair of the CAFE Publications Awards Committee - Dr. Jeannie Kerr at All nominations will be kept confidential. The Awards Committee reserves the right not to issue the award in the absence of a nomination that meets the award criteria.


Applications for this award will be accepted no later than January 31, 2021:



Dr. Jeannie Kerr.

Chair, CAFE Awards Committee  

Include “CAFE Learning Tool” in the email subject line. 

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