Executive Officers of the Board

Dr. Lynn Lemisko
Lynn Lemisko is a professor in the Department of Educational Foundations in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. Her teaching experience includes seven years of work in Alberta public school systems where she taught students in grades four through nine, and many years of teaching post-secondary students courses in Canadian and European history, trends and issues in curriculum development, social studies curriculum and instruction and the history of education. Her research interests include investigations into issues in teacher education (past and present), social studies & citizenship education, and the history of education.

First Vice-President
Dr. Jeannie Kerr
Jeannie Kerr is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Winnipeg. Her research is concerned with understanding the ways that programs of teacher education can prepare future educators to engage complexity, uncertainty and diversity so as to address local and global inequities that form part of working in education. Jeannie’s academic work is committed to decolonial theory and practice in teacher education, addressing inequalities in K-12 schooling, and collaboratively repairing and renewing relations in Canadian society.

Second Vice-President
Dr. Jonathan Aniuk
Jonathan Anuik is an associate professor in the Educational Policy Studies department at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. He researches the history of education, nourishing the learning spirit, and comic books. He is the author of First in Canada: An Aboriginal Book of Days, which won the First Peoples’ Publishing Award and was a shortlisted title for the Award for Publishing, all at the 2011 Saskatchewan Book Awards. His scholarly articles appear in The Journal of Educational Thought, in education, the Canadian Journal of Higher Education, and the Canadian Journal of Native Education. At the University of Alberta, he teaches undergraduate classes in childhood history, ethics and law in teaching, the history of Indigenous education, and contexts of education. At the graduate level, he teaches history of education and facilitates the masters capping project program.

Dr. Sandra Kouritzin
Sandra Kouritzin is a Professor of Education with a specialty in second language education in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the University of Manitoba.
Past President
Dr. Kurt Clausen
Kurt Clausen is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education and past Chair of Graduate Studies at Nipissing University. He has been a member of the CAFE executive since 2008: He first served as 2nd Vice-President and Program Chair for the 2009 (Montreal) and 2010 (Ottawa) congresses; then as a member-at-large (2011-13), Treasurer (2013-14), and 1st Vice-President (2014-15). Although he his primarily interested in the history of education, Kurt has also served as the editor of the Canadian Journal of Action Research since 2001. Most recently, he helped found the Canadian Association of Action Research in Education (CAARE), a SIG of the Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
Members of the Board

CJE Editorial Board Representative
Dr. Michelle Forrest
Michelle Forrest is a professor in the Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax NS. Her work in philosophy of education focuses on the value of arts education in teaching for open-mindedness, and on the ethics of feminist practice and performance. She began her professional life as a classical singer, and taught high-school English, drama, and choir.

CJE Editorial Advisory Board Member
Dr. Sandra Kouritzin
Sandra Kouritzin is a Professor of Education with a specialty in second language education in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the University of Manitoba.

Member at Large (Events)
Gemma Porter
Gemma Porter is a teacher and PhD candidate in Educational Foundations in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research interests include Citizenship Education and Social Studies Education focusing particularly on the conceptions of citizenship and citizenship education in both historical and contemporary contexts.

Member at Large (Communications)
Dr. Cynthia Wallace-Casey
Cynthia Wallace-Casey holds a PhD in history education from the University of New Brunswick (Education Studies), where she is also an Honorary Research Associate. In 2017 she was awarded a SSHRC postdoctoral research fellowship, and is currently a member of The Making History Research Unit at the University of Ottawa. Her postdoctoral research investigates national narratives, difficult histories, and museum education. She is exploring the narratives that seventh-grade students take away from a museum experience. To date her research has been supported by SSHRC, UNB, THEN/HiER, & U of Ottawa.

Recruitment &Outreach Officer (Acting)
Gemma Porter
Gemma Porter is a teacher and PhD candidate in Educational Foundations in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research interests include Citizenship Education and Social Studies Education focusing particularly on the conceptions of citizenship and citizenship education in both historical and contemporary contexts.
Emerging Scholars Committee

Caitlyn Sharf-way
Caitlin Scharf-Way is a former English teacher, and is finishing an MA in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests are in the history of education and the history of childhood in Canada. Her thesis examines progressivism in the rhetoric and practice of the Girl Guides in British Columbia from 1910-1950.

Taylor Ellis
I am a PhD candidate in education at the University of Manitoba. My research focuses on the history of education in the Western and Central Arctic. My dissertation will examine the institution of school and its historical relationship with Indigenous languages in this region of the Arctic. This will be situated within the context of understanding that Nunavut has positioned school as a primary vector of Inuit language revitalisation and this reimagination of the decolonial potential of school is of particular interest.
Special Interest Group (SIG) Chairs

CHEA Chair (Acting)
Dr. Jason Ellis
Dr. Jason Ellis is a historian of education and associate professor in the Department of Educational Studies at UBC. In his research and teaching, he uses the educational past to explain the critical challenges that Canadian education faces in the present. Ellis has published on the history of special education, school choice, educational finance, and other topics.

CPES Chair
Dr. Ann Chinnery
My research addresses philosophical and ethical issues in teacher education, especially recent shifts in thinking about rights and responsibilities, the practical complexities of classroom dialogue in pluralist democracies, and preparing teachers for work in increasingly diverse classrooms.

SociNet Chair
Dr. David Mandzuk
Dr. David Mandzuk is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba and former president of CAFE from 2005 to 2010. He is also the Treasurer of the Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE) and the Chair of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET). Along with Dr. Shelley Hasinoff, he is the author of Case Studies in Educational Foundations: Canadian Perspectives (Oxford, 2015) and Slices of Life: Managing Dilemmas in Middle Grades Teaching (National Middle School Association, 2010). His research interests include ethics in education, dilemmas of practice, the professional socialization process, internationalization in education, and teacher education reform.