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CAFE Award Recipients (2016)
Publication Award (Book Chapter or Journal Article) 


Michael Dawson and Catherine Gidney. (2015) There is Nothing More Inclusive than O Canada’:  New Brunswick’s Elementary School Anthem Debate and the Shadow of Afghanistan. In L Campbell, M. Dawson, and C. Gidney, (Eds.), Worth Fighting For: Canada’s Tradition of War Resistance from 1812 to the War on Terror (pp.229-241). Toronto: Between the Lines). (tie)


Jeannie Kerr. Western Epistemic Dominance and Colonial Structures: Considerations for Thought and Practice in Programs of Teacher Education. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 3(2), 83-104. (tie)

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

Dr. Shailoo Bedi. “You Live What you Learn”: Identity and Practice among Visible Minority School Administrators. (Supervisor:  Helen Raptis; University of Victoria).


Dr. Alessandra Iozzo-Duval. “Silent Citizens”: Citizenship Education, Disability and d/Deafness at the Ontario Institution for the Education of the Deaf, 1870-1914. (Supervisor: Lorna MacLean; University of Ottawa).


Dr. Cynthia Wallace-Casey. Deepening Historical Consciousness Through Museum Fieldwork: Implications For Community-Based History Education. Supervisor: Alan Sears; University of New Brunswick).

Master's Thesis Recognition Award

James Rempel, ‘Some Reckoning of Gains is Made’: A Historical Inquiry into Assessment in Child-centred Curricula. (Supervisor: Amy von Heyking; University of Lethbridge).

Distinguished Service Award

Dr. Helen Raptis, University of Victoria

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