CAFE Outstanding Advising and Mentoring Award
The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education (CAFE) invites nominations from the CAFE community to honour CAFE members whose dedication and commitment to excellence in undergraduate and/or graduate advising or mentorship has made a significant contribution to the professional growth of students working in the area of educational foundations.
Nomination Criteria
Any CAFE member in good standing, including all current graduate students who are members of CAFE, may nominate CAFE member candidates for the award.
The following are examples of advising and mentoring practices that would be considered for the award:
Provides sound advice with respect to course of study;
Fosters best performance and talents from students;
Shows concern for students and supports their personal development;
Acts as an advocate and guide in administrative, organizational and professional matters;
Provides outstanding guidance with respect to student teaching, papers or other forms of publication and performance;
Promotes students’ intellectual development by encouraging attendance and presentation of their scholarship at professional conferences and meetings; and
Leads in the understanding of research and professional ethics.
Nomination Requirements:
Individuals seeking to nominate an outstanding advising mentor from the membership of CAFE should submit a completed nomination package which shall include one letter from the nominator (including the name and full contact information of the nominee and nominator); up to three letters of support (maximum 600 words each) from students or colleagues; and a letter from the department chair or dean.
The nomination letter should:
state specifically (in detail and using the above criteria) why the nominee is worthy of the Outstanding Advising and Mentoring Award
give specific examples and evidence of outstanding service to students.
The letter from the department chair or dean should include the following:
rank of the nominee;
the number of students that the nominee has mentored through degree completion;
the number of theses or dissertation committees on which the nominee has served; and,
special awards the nominee's students have received.
The award recipient will be honoured during the CSSE Conference. Recipients are not eligible to receive the award again for five (5) years. The Chair of the Awards Committee will confirm receipt of the nomination package. If you do not receive confirmation, we urge you to get in touch with the Chair immediately. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.
Selection Committee:
All nominations will be kept strictly confidential. The committee reserves the right not to issue the award in the absence of a nomination that meets the award criteria.
To nominate a candidate for this award, please forward the nomination package (in Word or PDF format) with supporting documents no later than February 28, 2023 to:
Dr. Sandra Kouritzin
Chair, CAFE Awards Committee
Include “CAFE Advising and Mentoring Award” in the subject line.