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CAFE Award Recipients (2021)
Publication Award (Edited Book)

Kristina Llewellyn and Nicolas Ng-A-Fook. (2021).  Oral History, Education and Justice: Possibilities and Limitations for Redress and Reconciliation. New York and London:  Routledge.
E. Lisa Panayotidis Dissertation Award in the Foundations of Education

Dr. Dale McCartney. From ‘friendly relations’ to differential fees: A history of international student policy in Canada since World War II. (Supervisor:  Dr. Megan Boler; University of British Columbia).

Master's Thesis Recognition Award

Haruho Kubota. The stories of eleven Japanese Canadian teachers: Colouring racial barriers into teacher training, certification, and hiring processes in British Columbia 1916-1942. (Supervisor:  Dr. Mona Gleason, University of British Columbia).

CAFE Advising and Mentorship Award

Lynn Lemisko (University of Saskatchewan)

Distinguished Service Award

None awarded this year.

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